
functions to characterise contacts. works with a Keithley 2600 and Oxford Triton beware using twoprobe_contacts - may burn device. function still under test


contact_IV(contact_number, station, *meas_param)

test_gate(label, station, *meas_param[, ...])

twoprobe_contacts(contact_number, station, ...)

mesoscopy.experiment.contacts.contact_IV(contact_number: int, station: Station, *meas_param: _BaseParameter, exp: Experiment | None = None, do_plot: bool | None = None, do_fit: bool | None = True)
mesoscopy.experiment.contacts.twoprobe_contacts(contact_number: int, station: Station, *meas_param: _BaseParameter, exp: Experiment | None = None, sweeprange: float | None = 20, do_plot: bool | None = None)
mesoscopy.experiment.contacts.test_gate(label: str, station: Station, *meas_param: _BaseParameter, exp: Experiment | None = None, sweeprange: float | None = 20, do_plot: bool | None = None)